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Thai Hom Mali Rice

Thai Hom Mali Rice Standards


01Clause 1. Definitions:

(1) "Thai Hom Mali Rice" means Cargo rice and White rice derived from paddy non-glutinous

rice of the fragrant rice varieties which are sensitive to photo period and cultivated as a main

crop in Thailand, and which are certified by the Department of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture

and Cooperatives as being Kao Dok Mali 105 variety and RD 15 variety with a natural fragrant aroma

depending on its age, and when cooked, such rice kernels shall have a tender texture;

(2) "Amylose" means a kind of starch existing in the rice kernels. When cooked

(3) the rice kernel's texture varies according to the amount of amylose

(4) "Rice" means any form of non-glutinous and glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L.)

(5) "Paddy" means rice that has not yet been husked

(6) "Cargo rice" (Loonzain rice, Brown rice, Husked rice) means rice that has only been husked

(7) "White rice" means rice obtained by removing bran from Cargo non-glutinous rice

(8) "Parts of rice kernels" means each part of the whole kernel that is divided lengthwise into 10 equal parts:

((9) "Whole kernels" means whole rice kernels without any broken part and includes kernels which

have at least 9 parts

(10) "Head rice" means broken rice kernels with lengths greater than those of brokens but less than

  those of whole kernels, and includes split kernels that retain at least 80 per cent of the whole kernel

(11) "Brokens" means broken rice kernels whose lengths are at least 2.5 parts of a whole kernel
  but less than the length of head rice, and includes split kernels that retain less than 80%
  of the whole kernel

(12) "Small brokens Ci" means small broken rice kernels that pass through round hole metal sieve No. 1

(13) "Undermined kernels" means rice kernels milled at a degree below that prescribed for each kind of rice

(14) "Red kernels" means rice kernels that are wholly or partly covered by red bran

(15) "Yellow kernels" means rice kernels where parts of which have turned into an apparent yellow

(16) "Chalky kernels" means non-glutinous rice kernels which have a chalk-like opaque area covering
  at least 50% of the kernel

(17) "Damaged kernels" means rice kernels that are damaged as apparent to the naked eyes due
  to moisture, heat, fungi, insects or others

(18) "Underdeveloped kernels" means rice kernels that have not developed normally and are flat

(19) 'Immature kernels" means rice kernels that are light green, obtained from immature paddy

(20) "Other seeds" means seeds of other plants which are not rice kernels

(21) "Foreign matter" means other things which are not rice and includes rice husk and bran
  detached from rice kernels

(22) "Milling degree" means the degree to which rice is milled

(23) "Extra well milled" means the removal of bran entirely to the extent that the rice kernel
   has an especially beautiful appearance

(24) "Well milted" 'near's the removal of bran entirely to the extent that the rice kernel has a beautiful

(25) "Reasonable well milled" means the removal of most of the bran to the extent that the rice kernel
  has a reasonably beautiful appearance

(26) "Ordinarily milled" means the removal of some portion of bran

((27) "Sieve No. 7" means a round hole metal sieve that is 0.79 mm. (0.031 inch) thick and with hole
  diameter of 1.75 nun. (0.069 inch); (25) "Per cent" means percentage by weight.


02Clause 2. Thai Hom Mali Rice Standards shall be divided into the following 2 types:

(1) White rice

(2) Cargo rice


03Clause 3. Standardized Thai Hom Mali Rice of white rice type shall be divided into
                    8 kinds as follows:

(1) White rice 100% Grade A

(2) White rice 100% Grade B

(3) White rice 100% Grade C

(4) White rice 5%

(5) White rice 10%

(6) White rice 15%

(7) White broken rice A 1 Extra Super

(8) White broken rice A -r Super


04Clause 4. Standardized Thai Hom Mali Rice of cargo rice type shall be divided into
                    6 kinds as follows:

(1) Cargo rice 100% Grade A

(2) Cargo rice 100% Grade B

(3) Cargo rice 100% Grade C

(4) Cargo rice 5%

(5) Cargo rice 10%

(6) Cargo rice 15%


05Clause 5. Standardized Thai Hom Mali Rice under clause 2, clause 3 and clause 4
                    shall have the standards as follows:

(1) containing not less than 92.0 per cent Thai Horn Mali Rice

(2) having a moisture content not exceeding 14.0 per cent

(3) having the general characteristics of a long grain rice with naturally little chalk

(4) not having any live insect

(5) having the kernel sizes as follows:
   - the average length of the whole kernel without any broken part shall not beless than 7.0 mm.
   - the ratio of the average length to the average width of the whole Kernel without any broken
      part shall not be less than 3.2:1

(6) having the chemical properties as follows:
   - amylose content shall not be less than 13.0% and shall not exceed 18.0% at the moisture
      content of 14.0%
   - alkali spreading value of white rice kernels at level 6-7.


06Clause 6. The standards for Thai Hom Mali Rice shall he prescribed for the types
                    and kinds of white rice under clause 3 as follows:

(1) White rice 100% Grade A


shall have the grain composition and milling degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 60.0%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by not more than 4.0%

- the remainder being Head rice having length as from 8.0 parts onward.


Rice that may be present:

- chalky kernels not exceeding 3.0%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 5 grains per 1 kilogram of rice.


Milling degree: Extra well milled.


(2) White rice 100% Grade B


shall have the grain composition and milling degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 60.0%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by
  not more than 4.5%; of this quantity there may be not more than 0.5% brokens
  having the length not reaching 5.0 parts and not passing through sieve No, 7
  and not more than o.i wo small white hrokens C 1

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 8.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0.2%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.25%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 7 grains per 1 kilogram of rice:

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 0.2%


Milling degree: Extra well milled.


(3) White rice 100% Grade C


shall have the grain composition and milling degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 60%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by not more than 5.0%; of this quantity
  through sieve there may be not more than 0.5% brokens having the length not reaching 5.0
  parts and not passing No. 7 and not more than 0.1% small white brokens C 1

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 8,0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0L2%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.25%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 7 grains per 1 kilogram of rice

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined
  not exceeding 0.25


Milling degree: Extra well milled


(4) White rice 5%


shall have the grain composition and milling degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 60.0%

- brokens having length as from 3.5 parts but not reaching 7,5 parts by not more than 7.0%; of this
  quantity there may be not more than 0.5% brokens having the length not reaching 3.5 parts and not passing
  through sieve No. 7 and not more than co% small white brokens C 1

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 7.5 parts onward


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels and/or undermined kernels not exceeding 2.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0.5%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.25%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 10 grains per 1 kilogram of rice

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 0.3%.


Milling degree: Well milled


(5) White rice 10%


shall have the grain composition and milling degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 55.0%

- brokens having length as from 3.5 parts but not reaching 7.0 parts by not more than 12.0%; of this
  quantity there may be not more than 0.7% brokens having the length not reaching 3.5 parts and
  not passing through sieve No. 7 and not more than 0.3% small white brokens C 1

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 7.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels and/or undermined kernels not exceeding 2.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 7.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.5%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 15 grains per 1 kilogram of rice

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 0.4%.


Milling degree: Well milled


(6) White rice 15%


shall have the grain composition and milting degree as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not Iess than 55.0%

- brokens having length as from 3.0 parts but not reaching 6.5 parts by not more than 17.0%; of this
  quantity there may be not more than 2.0% brokens having the length not reaching 3.0 parts and not
   passing through sieve No. 7 and not more than 0.5% small white brokens C 1

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 6,5 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels and or undermined kernels not exceeding 5.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 7.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 2.0%

- paddy not exceeding 15 grains per 1 kilogram of rice

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 0.4%.


Milling degree: Reasonably well milled


(7) White broken rice A 1 Extra Super


shall be rice obtained from milling white rice 100% and shall have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- brokens having length not reaching 50 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 by not more than 10.0%

- the remainder shall be brokens having length as from 5.0 parts onward: of the whole quantity
  there may be not more than 1 5.0% whole kernels and not more than 1.0% small white brokens C 1.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%: of this quantity there may be not more than 0.5% small white
  glutinous brokens C1

- foreign matters not exceeding 0.5%.


(8) White broken rice A 1 Super


shall be, rice obtained from milling white rice 100%, white rice 5% and white rice 10%, and shall
have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- brokens having length not reaching 6.5 parts and not passing through sieve No. 7 for the entire quantity:
  of this quantity there may be not more than 15.0% brokens having the length as from 6.5 parts onward
  and whole kernels combined and not more than 5.01)/0 small white brokens C 1


Rice and matters that may be present:

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%; of this quantity there may be not more than 0.5% small
  white glutinous brokens C 1:

- foreign matters not exceeding 0.5%.


07Clause 7. The standards for Thai Hom Mali Rice shall be prescribed for the types
                    and kinds of cargo rice under clause 4 as follows:

(1) Cargo rice 100% Grade A


shall have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 80.0%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by not more than 4.0%

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 8.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0.5%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 3.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.5%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 0.5%

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 3.0%.


(2) Cargo rice 100% Grade B


shall have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 80.0%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by not more than 4.5%

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 8.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels not exceeding 1.5%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0.75%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.75%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 1.0%

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 5.0%.


(3) Cargo rice 100% Grade C


shall have grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 80.0%

- brokens having length as from 5.0 parts but not reaching 8.0 parts by not more than 5.0%

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 8.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels not exceeding 2.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 0.75%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 0.75%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 1.0%

-underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 5.0%.


( 4) Cargo rice 5 %


shall have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 75.0%

- brokens having length as from 3.5 parts but not reaching 7.5 parts by not more than 7.0%

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 7.5 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present

- red kernels not exceeding 2.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding ] .O %

- chalky kernels not exceeding 6.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding I .o%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 1.Oo/.;

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 6.O%.


(5) Cargo rice 10%


shall have the grain composition as follows:


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 70.o%

- brokens having the length as from 3.5 parts but not reaching 7.0 parts by not more than 1 2 .0 %

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 7.0 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels not exceeding 2..o%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 1 .0 %

- chalky kernels not exceeding 7.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 1.5%

- paddy not exceeding 2.0%

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 7.0%


Grain composition comprising of:

- whole kernels by not less than 65.O%

- brokens having length as from 3.0 parts but not reaching 6.5 parts by not more than 17.O%

- the remainder shall be Head rice having length as from 6.5 parts onward.


Rice and matters that may be present:

- red kernels not exceeding 5.0%

- yellow kernels not exceeding 1.0%

- chalky kernels not exceeding 7.0%

- damaged kernels not exceeding 1.5%

- white glutinous rice not exceeding 2.5%

- paddy not exceeding 2.0%

- underdeveloped kernels, immature kernels, other seeds and foreign matter either singly or combined not
  exceeding 8.0%.


08Clause 8.

In the case where there is a sale and purchase of standardized Thai Hom Mali rice by sample

or there is attached a qualitative condition which does not conform to the types and/or kinds of

Thai Hom Mali Rice specified in clause 6 and clause 7, such Thai Hom Mali Rice shall have

the standards specified in clause 5 and possess a quality not less than that of the sample

and the specifications agreed upon by the buyer and the seller, and shall be approved by

the Office of Commodity Standards.


09Clause 9.

In a determination relating to the standard or quality of

standardized Thai Hom Mali Rice, the result of an inspection and analysis

of a sample of the standardized Thai Hom Mali rice by an agency

entrusted by the Office of Commodity Standards or by an operator of a

standardized product inspection business shall be deemed as the basis of determination-

In the case of a dispute on the result of the determination,

the result of the inspection and analysis of the sample by any agency entrusted

by the Office of Commodity Standards, as the case may be, shall be deemed as final.


10Clause 10.

In the case where standardized Thai Hom Mali Rice is exported in a sack or in any other container,

the exporter shall also declare the details relating to the packaging material, as well as its sewing

and seating, on the standard certificate application form.